
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

what the f to wear? a step by step guide to overcoming your style demons

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above: highly rotated outfit from my newly refined wardrobe
tee; h&m (knotted), denim jacket, skirt & shoes; vintage, straw bag & clubmasters; topshop

Last month was a little depressing for me style wise; it involved me losing my style mojo for a good two weeks and having 30 consecutive bad hair days. I seem to have emerged with some kind of "survivor" mentality, preaching about how I got through the dark days and evangelically urging people that everyone goes through a rough style patch.

Feeling both bemused by what had happened and bloody pissed off, I decided to give my wardrobe a long overdue clearout. This involved creating a couple of piles;

1. the favourite pieces that I honestly know I wear.
2. the more ruthless pile.
made up of items that I may love but that realistically could be boxed away or given to friends as loans until they can be reworked into my everyday wardrobe.

All the crap was removed from my closet; old essays, editorial clippings, so that all that was left was strictly clothe related. Shoes were stacked, bags were hung and just to really conform to obsessive compulsive stereotypes I colour coordinated my new "capsule wardrobe".

So there we have it, as part of my survivor mentality, I felt it paramount to share this very wise information with you (because no one has ever considered sorting their wardrobe!) and to remind you that if you too are drowning in the depths of loss of inspiration, there is light at the end of the tunnel neck sweater.


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