Lest you think only the famous surnameless need apply, think again. The Berkeley’s Prêt-à-Portea will be served daily from 3-5pm in the First Floor Restaurant from Tuesday 28 April until Saturday 2 May 2009, priced at €30 per person or €40 per person with a glass of Harvey Nichols Brut Champagne. Pas mal, non?
What's more, you get to scoff your face with mini cakes and pastries like Lanvin-inspired blueberry and lemon mousse, a Michael Kors Regatta dress reinterpreted in chocolate sponge and Christopher Kanes’ signature over-sized chiffon circles in clementine bavaroise with blood orange pâte de fruit.
Book your calories now at 01 291 0488 or www.harveynichols.com.
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