1. What's your definition of style?
For me fashion needs to be easy, effortless and comfortable. “If I was in a mad dash out the door would I pull it out of the wardrobe?” If the answer is no, I walk away-sometimes crying!
2. Who would you kill to (un)dress?
Oh, Matthew Mc Conaughey. I often picture myself as his Kate Hudson in “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” - that bathroom scene gets me every time. I would also happily undress Mary Kate Olsen (for very different reasons)-in true Robin Hood style I’d see myself robbing from the rich (MK), to give to the poor (Moi).
3. What fashion faux pas is most unforgiving? Be ruthless!
Leggings! I know, people love them and are wearing them to death but as far as I’m concerned leggings belong in the gym. And even there; some people should just step away.
4. What is your fashion weakness?
Scarves, sequins and cocktail rings - the more the better. I hang my favourite sequined jackets (yes, there are multiples) around my apartment. They’re as fabulous to look at as they are to wear!
5. How many models does it take to change a lightbulb?
None, they’ve got “people” to do that crap! Most don’t get out of bed for less than $10,000 don’t you know?
Catch Ange doing her thang at Stylenation.ie or click here to read her blog.
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