...that is the question. And the answer is I caved. Regardless of my protestations to the latter, the social pressure is just too much. It's beginning to feel like a high school secret from which I've been excluded. So, there you have it. I Blog has no spine but then again the' broken down doll look' is
sooo now! Here are some of the latest tweets from the twitter deck.
See you @
Rachel Zoe - real_rachel_zoe
wish I could be in two places at once, I'm missing the Grateful Dead concert with Rodger @rbermanusabout 24 hours ago from TweetDeck Karl Lagerfeld - Karl_Lagerfeld
I think I'm going to have a dinner party where no one speaks. I'll give all my guests pens and pads instead of the usual dinner conversation2:47 PM Apr 24th from web Henry Holland - henryholland
Just met the Weston ladies at selfridges do. Both immaculately Bergdorf Blonde! Love itabout 2 hours ago from TwitterBerry
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