as some of you may already know, I am lucky enough to work in my local topshop, which means that while working and dancing about with the other lovely girls who work there, I spend much of my time plotting which items I'll buy with my seasonal allowance.
we get ours in a weeks time and I am so very excited.

so I laughed a little wearily when I saw this picture of erin wearing these trousers, as after eyeing them up for weeks, I finally tried them on the other day, and they looked rather shiteous on me.
put it this way, you have to be very dedicated at shaving your legs and as the slits go up so high, new blemishes appear that even the teeniest of mini skirts never dared show. and overall i ended up looking like the ex girlfriend of edward scissorhands (not in a good way, because I know how appealing that sounds) after she has had a comfort food binge.
without sounding highly up my own arse, my legs are my favourite part as they're rather slim and long, and so, I would like to know, Erin, enlighten me, how on earth did you pull these off?
that is all.
pic: snatched from the lovely T at starbucks and jane austen
we get ours in a weeks time and I am so very excited.
so I laughed a little wearily when I saw this picture of erin wearing these trousers, as after eyeing them up for weeks, I finally tried them on the other day, and they looked rather shiteous on me.
put it this way, you have to be very dedicated at shaving your legs and as the slits go up so high, new blemishes appear that even the teeniest of mini skirts never dared show. and overall i ended up looking like the ex girlfriend of edward scissorhands (not in a good way, because I know how appealing that sounds) after she has had a comfort food binge.
without sounding highly up my own arse, my legs are my favourite part as they're rather slim and long, and so, I would like to know, Erin, enlighten me, how on earth did you pull these off?
that is all.
pic: snatched from the lovely T at starbucks and jane austen
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