i always used to be too lazy for diy projects.
well, i kind of still am.
but over the last couple of weeks, everytime I have sat down on the bus after college a couple of ideas have popped into my head..
1. creating some obscenly meticulous latice effect leggings ala rodarte.
2 or settling for an equally gorgeous (and much easier to reproduce) pair ala anja rubik.
3 and getting some studs and sewing them onto the knees of my jeans ala (whisper her name, she smells..) cory kennedy.
my predictions; that ridiculously pain-staking tee shirt project that childhood flames is getting into is going to be the new bleached jeans diy project. then the slashed leggings will follow! if only betting stocks took such predictions..
edit: aww crap. i just checked up on fashion toast and rumi beat me to it! schadenfreude to me, ha.
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