
Friday, November 14, 2008

snowflakes around the corner


december is just over two weeks around the corner, which means that in typical christmas tradition i shall be creating a virtual calendar! (wayyy) of course for me, the novelty of publishing daily has now subsided as that's what I do usually, but coming up with 31 christmas themed posts is nice little challenge, don't you think?

i have lots of ideas, but be sure to hit me up if there is something in particular that you'd like to see. you could always get into the christmas spirit by flicking through the previous two advent posting from dec 2006 and 2007.

and this would be a good time to mention the christmas fairytale to be told in the magical land that is topshop (which to be honest is a bit of a fairytale all year round..)

Topshop is hosting a game which involves dishing out some serious prizes to ALL players. hop over to to check out the beautiful animation which involves a rather special seasonal carousel..

sadly as I work for them, I can't take advantage of the top prizes of a years (!!) supply of shoes and clothes but it is only fair to share this nugget of excitement with you, because if you live in UK, Eire, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, Italy and Australia then you lucky things can play too. Even if you don't get the big prizes, you "walk away" with something lovely like a gift card.

hmm, i think mr phillip green is feeling generous this year!


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