
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Hair of the Matter

There's nothing like a good brouhaha - especially when it involves politicians. Oh how we love to see the mighty crumble in this country. The latest 'scandal' in question involves none other than a $410 beauty bill allegedly clocked up by Mary Harney on an official trip to Florida. In the broader context the bill was red-flagged due to excessive spending by government officials. In isolation, it's small beans = €300. Would we rather our political representatives dock up to Cape Canaveral looking like the poor 'Oirish' cousins? After spending a morning at 'Leaders' Questions' in the Dail, I can tell you I'd be more than happy to shell out my taxpaying euros on sharpening up our political posse. Most of them looked like they slept in their clothes over summer recess. Surely a few bob for a wash and blowdry isn't a misappropriation of funds? It should be considered willful negligence not to do so. Case in point: Nicholas Sarkozy's security unit fashionably upstaged Cowan & Co on the French PM's July visit. It's time for serious sartorial measures. Let the $410 be waived I say. Lord knows we could use the help...


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