
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

manchester week one

phew, freshers week is ambling along (or should I say racing nocturnally) rather nicely. today I (in no particular order) excited myself by signing up to the Other Sounds Society which means I can indulge in such pretentious events as Belle and Sebastian parties and Mix Tape Swap nights. I also got pissed on free wine at the English and American Studies welcome drinks and may or may not have impressed my Professors with chat about the economic state of California. I made some nice new friends on the bus. I bought a couple of stunning Cacti from the house plant sale outside the student union. And spent a good hour or so at the 8th Day healthfood shop weighing up the pros and cons of buying a Miso paste (con when it takes up a half of your daily student budget..)

But yes, and here are some snapshots taken on my phone from the past week or so, also including the Topshop Unique show which I've still to post about. It feels good to finally sit down at my computer even if it is in a hasty moment of TAP TAP TAP before heading down to the campus bar for some more socialising. 

Seeing as I'm awfully behind with all things Fashion Week, which shows have been making your hearts flutter the most? Please do share, I'm awfully out of the loop!
Ps, did I mention that I love Manchester?..


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