Today has been an immensely lazy day. It started on the sofa underneath my duvet catching up on recorded episodes of The Culture Show. Then, hoorah, my green cord Jamie trousers from Topshop.com arrived. After writing the previous post, I thought about trainers and how they'd look quite cool with the new jamies and then had a brainwave remembering my old loved reeboks in the back of my wardrobe. (unworn since my first year of sixth form). I drank quite a few cups of coffee from this mug which my Mum gave me for my birthday; it's an illustration of the view from the park beside our house so that I can drink from it and think of home when I'm at University (in only a couple of weeks!). I rediscovered how perfect biscuits from Aldi (or Lidl) are when dipped in coffee. I washed my bedding and then hung it outside on the line. I noticed the autumn nip in the air. I meant to list some old clothes on eBay but ended up buying a secondhand canon camera instead. I reheated last night's prawn, mint and broad bean risotto for lunch. and then again for tea. Ah, the most delicious of mundane days spent at home.
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