
Thursday, August 26, 2010

badass girls

Over the past couple of months I've got so much enjoyment from devouring posts by both Lulu Kennedy and Maria of Fedtysent. Both pretty badass, both fantastically committed bloggers and all round the kind of women I'd like to be I'm a big, bad, scary adult. With maybe a little Carrie Bradshaw thrown in (except when she shrieks at 1000 decibels, which really grates.) As Maria is a Dane, much of what she writes is lost on me (Google Translater isn't the most reliable) and so I can't be sure what exactly she does. Somewhere along the line I remember she and her boyfriend were in America testing out hotels and restaurants but that may well have been temporary. Lulu is of course the director of Fashion East (which is about to celebrate it's 10th Birthday) and all round london fashion scene queen. And they also happen to bare a bit of a resemblance to each other, well what do you know...

On the subject of badass, I'm listening to this track by Howling Bells a lot at the moment:


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