I hate my toes. Fact. I spent many a year pretending to be a size 7 when really I'm an 8. Yet another fact. Given my unfortunate digital inheritance and years of denial, I am not privy to use of the term 'flip flop'. This is a source of great anxiety for me every summer. A few years ago I went to Greece and was told by a complete stranger that something could be done about my toes. She went so far as to recommend Harley Street. I spent the rest of that holiday knee-deep in sand. With my Spanish break a mere three weeks away, I've been desperate to find sandals that can double up as a cunning toe disguise. Thus far, I found a sequin panelled pair in Zara for €49.95 and this little beauty to my right on
Asos.com for €43.75. They haven't arrived yet so I'm still dubious as to whether the fringe is long enough to disguise the offending piggies. I fear I may have to resort to some D.I.Y. tactics - a sandal brooch perhaps?
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