I heard this Beatles B-side for the first time the other week and have listened to it many a time since, swooning over the romantic lyrics and melodies that leave you wanting to sway in that self indulgent love sick teenage sort of way. I recommend you listen to it, personally I find it quite unlike their other music. Though this is according to my knowledge of The Beatles which is neither vast nor meagre.

I also leave you with those photograph by Kafa Rusalka that I'm very fond of. Last night I had a smoking dream. I don't think I've had a smoking dream since I was about 15. But in my perfectly relaxed sleepy state this cigarette and the process of inhaling and exhaling proved the most soothing action, completely devoid of that tobacco taste I am so unswayed by. There really is little point in this anecdote because I awoke to the knowledge that I could never (thankfully) hack smoking and this brings us back to the beginning, to the photo. Perhaps it could be a little tribute. A photograph to look at and think 'let us live our smoking dreams (as unhealthy as they are) vicariously through this mysterious and anonymous girl who is enjoying a fag with her coffee and staring ahead immersed in her own little world of contemplations and memories.'
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