
Monday, May 24, 2010


I think it's fair to say that the lack of a Monki or Weekday online store leaves many of us feeling a little empty inside. It would explain those days when you can never focus-instead drifting aimlessly or nights when you can't sleep. With this in mind after stumbling across I practically felt like I'd found religion. Scalloped shorts, duffle parkas and arrays of Monki style jersey from a fellow Swedish outfitter? They also sell tee shirts with lovely portrait graphic designs and stock a nice selection of trousers and weekend bags for guys.

The fact that on top of all of this
truly makes my heart sing is that they ship internationally! (And at not too high a price might I add.) Go forth, go forth and buy!

ps, did anyone squeal as much as I did upon seeing the scallop edged shorts? If I could somehow engineer them out of a brown suede or leather god knows I would.

EDIT: I'm sorry to have to break the news to you but the duffle coat has sold out! It was still in stock in the 'old products' sale section (the best thing about it was the price!) but now it's gone. I'm as disappointed as you are..


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