
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Catwalk Fever!

I blame Trinny. Ever since Ms. Woodall decided to out me as big arsed at Style in the City, I've felt nothing but reproach towards my pear shape. With London and Paris Fashion Week now fast approaching, it seems I have choice but to take some action. Given the sum total of time I spent at Carlisle Fitness last year (12 - half were just to use the sauna), there seems little point in mounting a treadmill. Luckily, I was asked by Slendertone to try their System-Abs and System-Mini to get my tum and bum in svelte shape. What's involved? Why just slipping on a band with clever muscle-toning electrodes five day a week for 30 minutes. As it's a six-week trial and catwalk season starts in three, I've decided to treble up on my sessions. I'm promised that I'll lose 1.4 inches off my waist and will have a derriere you can bounce a quarter off. Will keep you posted...


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