
Thursday, December 25, 2008

before i bottle it.. the first video post!

alas, yet again, after much anticipation, christmas day has now been and gone. i had a chilled day with the family, basically consisting of eating, intervals of sleeping and enough stretching of legs to then justify another portion of trifle or a turkey sandwich.

shame on us and on gluttony. but otherwise it was a rather modest christmas. everyone tightening their belts and all that, but personally, i found it rather refreshing to have a pile of presents that wasn't toppling over and reeking of decadence. and the quality of my lovely gifts were not at all compromised, but more on that maybe later.

i returned home at the end of the day to rather belatedly discover that yes, I can record videos on my laptop with sound (albeit quiet sound) and hurriedly recorded my first mini video blog before fear could stop me!

i'll try to minimise excuses as I think it's best just to get on with it, but you will need to turn up your volume a lot as I have a wee microphone, and as I say in the video, this is really a bit of an experiment. it's bloody nerve wracking posting this thing though, as I realise I sound rather public schoolish, which is not at all me!

ack, what the hell, just watch and let me know what you think..

And I guess now we're on to proclaiming HAPPY NEW YEAR!

ps, now that christmas day has passed, the advent posting has stopped. it was fun this year, but I'm glad to be able to blog without wracking my brains for any kind of seasonal fashion reference!


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