
Friday, December 5, 2008

Audi - Music and Motors

It's starting to really feel like Christmas. Apart from the biting cold (not so good), there are lots of festive shindigs happening around town (always good) - namely two hosted by the superlative folks at Audi. Last night the Fashion Bloggers' Bunch (not to be confused with Marky Mark and that of the Funky) hooked up at the Old Harcourt Street Station for a taste of some vintage music and motors. Gary Newman took to the decks as we sipped rather yummy cocktails and cooed over beauties like the one to my right. What's more, Audi is kindly sponsoring the 4th Fashion Bloggers' Brunch tomorrow at which the Bunch will be present. I'm off to buy some Christmas stockings (faux fur-trimmed of course) for our Jades. That's FBB rhyming slang for goody bags. We're so trendy us lot. ;)


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