so you're an atheist, and while you don't want to give up your stockings and roast turkey with all the trimmings, perhaps you're feeling a little immoral celebrating a holiday you don't technically believe in?
(yeah, me neither.. i'm of no religious persuasion and i'm not too fussed but for arguments sake) because bubbling under the surface is a bit of an underground "space" moment and now is the perfect time to celebrate (if you so desire) the creation of the earth itself; the big bang!
the guys behind up and coming label Peter Pilotto sent intergalactic creations whizzing down the AW08 runway and i'm desperate to get my hands on one of the spacey designs faster than you can say asteroid.
and while I don't see my savings stretching this far anytime soon, by some incredible stroke of luck I came across the coolest little galaxy printed purse; it's rather unusual and just about bordering on tacky. it'll do for now, because unless my christmas bonus covers the small fortune of one of the dresses, i'll be waiting.. uh, lightyears..
clearly if you manage to land yourself an outer worldly get-up, you'll need music to match and cut copy's "far away" seems the perfect accompaniment for moonwalking and silly "aetheist" dancing!
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