
Monday, May 12, 2008

mr dope

person 1:"your trousers are pretty cool."

jeddd: "yeah i got them from this store..god it's such a funny story.. you should have been there.. i was so fucked when i got them and they were like $380."

person 1: "sounds hilarious."

jeddd: "i really like that they just give me this dope look, you know like back in the day. nyc 90s grunge."

person 1: "even though you were like 5 then.."

jeddd: "uhh..right. and with a cigarette in my hand the look is complete."

person 1:"are you going to smoke that thing?"

jeddd: "what this? no. it tastes like shit. but if i look like i'm about to, all the street photographers come up to me."

pic: kathyisyourfriend

all things aside, they really are nice trousers.


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