
Friday, May 30, 2008

erin wants a story.

put your hands up if you love erin wasson .
or rather put your hands up if you don't.
it's easier that way.

after seeing editorial after editorial with Erin Wasson I couldn't help but wonder* if she is loved as a model or as a general "kick-ass-skateboarding-shortshort-wearing-alexander-wang-loving-bulldog-hugging-i want-her-to-be-my friend" (breaath) girl crush.

It seems somehow misleading and underfair to dear Wasson that this "revival" (after all, we have seen her in a whole new way, and brushed aside the plastic maybelline images we synonymously assosiated her with) has involved featuring her in a load as magazines as, well, herself.

Rather than giving her a bit of model credit and allowing herself to dress up as a slick sexbomb or an ethreal woodland nymph she's had crinkled white shirts, fedora hats, and stringy vest tops thrown at her. All apparantly regular wardrobe favourites of the "Real Erin". And b ackgrounds have been pretty formulaic; beachy, sunny settings with an urban edge? check. a few boys spotted around to emphasise her tomboy status? uh huh.

And I'm not trying to preach that I don't love these eds; I certainly know we all love them; it's like they give us an insight into her not so stereotypical jetsetter lifestyle, causing sighs of "ooh, she's just like me". it just seems that shes being hard done by (i half mock; in model terms that is.)

now, discuss amongst yourselves.

*as much as I love her, that's the only Carrie Bradshaw ode you'll be getting from me anytime soon!

pics: danmartensen, tFs, hannah couture


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