a flick through cheap date can always be relied upon to bring me back to fashion earth and to reiterate what style is to me.
it's the way your mate is lounging in an oversize tracksuit jacket and dusty shorts in the summer heat.
the way you feel in a threadbare kimono and granny pants whilst disecting an oreo in front of sex and the city.
it's the thread that connects you with past generations and interesting eras, running through a second hand foil textured skirt.
really style is what the people all around us are wearing, because these are the people keeping the fashion industry on it's toes. that moment when someone hops on the bus at the last minute and you're hit by this frantic voice in your head, mentally nudging you, saying "oh my, look at her bag, look at the way she's tucked her top into her trousers, ahh, absorb everything before she steps off the bus again! arrhhh."
for me, it's moments like this that style is at it's most exciting, it gives a warm feeling of uniting people and brushes the relevence of red carpet paparazzi shots to the side. it's the mutual appreciation for satisfying trying on sessions and last minute wardrobe improvisation.
fashions are swept to the side too, granted they arguably "unite" too, but personal style is such a valid thing. i find it so satisfying to wear something that looks almost ugly on the hanger and make it so completely my own and wear it with such an air that it looks rather lovely on, and getting a buzz from feeling pleased with an outfit is something to be proud of, not ashamed of. sofia coppola's quote springs to mind.
"you're considered superficial and silly if you are interested in fashion, but I think you can be substantial and still be interested in frivolity"
three cheers for originality and the randomness of pairing that dress with that jacket!
pics: tjejsajten, tinkyminky, echloesevignyonline, sartorialist, kathyisyourfriend, style.com, facehunter, garancedore, fashion robot , childhood flames, ginnybranch, punky-b, liebemarlene vintage, carnetdemode
i've given the pictures used credit where possible, though a few are from cyber nooks and crannies, so if it belongs to you, give me a poke and tell me the source, or i'll remove it if requested. and the same goes for using these "handcrafted collages". please ask before you use, i poured delicate time and spiritualized sweat into them.